Sound Essences
unleashing the universal healing power of sound


Showing 21–30 of 53 results

  • Gold Frankincense and Myrrh

    Gold Frankincense and Myrrh


    These three gifts from the Divine encourage spiritual growth by connecting with the spiritual realm and assisting healing.

  • Gratitude Space Spray


    Gratitude is counting your blessings, recognising, acknowledging and being grateful for all aspects of abundance. It is a state of grace which highlights the positive aspects of life and offers sincere thanks for them.

  • Just Be Space Spray


    Use this spray to stand firm and not be swayed. Accept yourself and celebrate who you are. Take time out to connect with the point of stillness.

  • Love Space Spray


    This spray can connect you with amazing boundless love which is freely given, is non judgmental, and has no hidden agendas.

  • Mary Magdalene

    Mary Magdalene


    Sadly the role and character of Mary Magdalene has deliberately misrepresented for over 2000 years.  Mary Magdalene personifies purity of spirit and sacred feminine energy which was the perfect energetic balance for the sacred masculine energy of Yesua (Jesus). Use this spray if you wish to connect with either or both of these attributes.

  • Meditation Space Spray


    Use this spray to create a serene space, to help still the mind and focus on the now.

  • Moving On Space Spray


    Stuck in a rut? Holding on to the past? Do you feel unable to change and lack the energy to move forwards?

    Sometimes we need an energetic push to shift us from one stage of life to another e.g. birth, death, adolescence, the menopause and retirement. Moving On can facilitate these changes and help to open a world of new possibilities.

  • New Life Space Spray


    This spray celebrates the magic of new life and the re-awakening of dormant potential. Wonder at the softness and the power of emerging energy.

  • Open Heart Space Spray


    Open Heart is a spray for each one of us. We need an open heart to relate and respond to each other and our amazing planet. This spray harmonises and balances the masculine and feminine energies within each one of us. If you want to be wowed by the magic, joy and mystery of creation, Open Heart is the link.

  • Peace and Harmony Space Spray


    Peace and Harmony can be used to spray the bedroom and the pillow to aid restful sleep.

    In situations of upset and overwrought emotions, this spray can introduce a sense of calm and diffuse tensions.

    Out of sorts? Feeling fractious? Is there discord in your life? This spray can bring an element of tranquility and calm into your life.